Mercury retrograde from 29.12.2022 to 18.01.2023. How to use the all-around dreaded Mercury retrograde time well for yourself.

From 29.12.2022 it is again so far. In time to the year end messenger of the gods Mercury changes its orbit and runs the zodiac again a little bit backward. So this means for all signs of the zodiac which are affected by it a pause and a shorter step.
The all around feared retrograde is in all mouth. Everyone talks about not signing new contracts or starting new activities. Also electrical devices should not be purchased in this time. Also some technical breakdowns are to be expected.
But here comes the all-clear
Mercury's retrograde supports and helps with all matters that we have put off and failed to complete in the past. So this is a perfect time to devote to old projects and to finally bring about a good end. Therefore, please do not bury your head in the sand! Mercury asks you in this time to look closely, to put things no longer on the long side and to tackle it!
Dare the step! It's time for you to take a big step forward.
Trust the power of the universe, trust the stars. Because everything they have to tell us leads us in only one direction: home.
Mercury retrograde can help you soar now. This planetary force supports you to go back - inward - to remember your tasks and started projects. So now you can finally finish what has been in limbo. So enjoy an extremely productive and successful phase in your life.
New horizons, new goals will have to wait. But what began long ago can now be successfully spun on.